We solicit proposals for tutorial presentations of general interest to the database research and development community. All topics relevant to the ICDE conference will be considered. We encourage tutorial proposals that address an emerging research area of interest or that address an established but relevant research area. Proposals must provide an insightful  overview of the chosen area, covering related literature – in particular, while presenters have the option of describing exemplar pieces of work in detail, they should not focus exclusively on their own contributions.

Proposals should indicate the tutorial length – 1.5 or 3 hours; if the tutorial can be of either length, the material included for each case should be clearly identified. Further, the proposal should identify any prior venues in which all or part of the tutorial has been presented, and explain how the current proposal differs from these previous editions. Finally, tutorial proposals must clearly identify the intended audience, prerequisite knowledge expected from the attendees, and the expected benefits to the participants.

Important Dates

Important dates are listed as follows:

  • Tutorial submission due: November 21, 2024 (Thursday)
  • Notification of acceptance: December 11, 2023 (Wednesday)
  • Camera-ready copy due: TBD

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE).

Submission Guidelines

Tutorial proposals should be submitted via email to all three chairs (see below for addresses). Submissions should be at most 4 (four) pages, excluding references, with the same format as ICDE 2025 research papers. 

Each submission should include the following information:

  • Tutorial Title
  • Tutorial Presenters: (name, affiliation, email, address, phone number, short bio highlighting expertise in tutorial domain)
  • Length: 1.5 or 3 hours; if you propose both 1.5 and 3 hours, please specify which parts would be added/removed.
  • Abstract
  • Outline detailing the scope and depth of coverage of the targeted topics. If available, providing a URL to the slides will aid in the proposal evaluation.
  • Hands-on Tutorial: Indicate whether the tutorial will be hands-on, operating system/software/tools required and equipment attendees should bring.
  • Target Audience: Intended audience, prerequisites, relevance to ICDE, and expected benefits.
  • Prior Offerings: If some part of the tutorial has been presented elsewhere, enumerate those events with dates and locations and provide URLs of the associated slides/notes. Further, highlight how the current proposal differs from these previous offerings.
  • References: A list of the primary references that will be covered in the tutorial.

Tutorial Chairs

Zi (Helen) Huang, <[email protected]>,The University of Queensland

Hazar Harmouch, <[email protected]>,University of Amsterdam

Yongxin Tong, <[email protected]>, Beihang University